
4 Unexpected Things You Did Not Know Were Fire Hazards

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Experiencing a house fire is one of the biggest fears anyone could ever have for their property and for their safety. Within minutes, everything you own and cherish could be reduced to ashes. As terrifying and unsettling this scenario can be, most people typically don’t worry about it because of the sheer unlikeliness for it to ever happen. However, unknown to most people, there are dozens of unexpected fire hazards scattered throughout the home. Here, we’ll list down five everyday household things most people didn’t expect to be fire hazards. 

Your Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors

“Seriously? The one appliances that were supposed to prevent all this are actual fire hazards?” Yup, unfortunately. Don’t get us wrong, your fire alarms and smoke detectors aren’t likely to spontaneously combust or anything similar, but they are prone to malfunctioning due to small damages that went unnoticed, or simply because their batteries died out. Their inability to function properly alone is a fire hazard you need to watch out for. To prevent this, make sure to test them every couple of months to make sure they’re still functioning. You can also prevent a disaster by calling a disaster response or fire restoration company to check if everything’s in the clear. 

Your Washing Machine

It’s commonly unthought of for most people to expect water-centric appliances to ever become potential fire hazards. Yes, most appliances like washing machines, driers, and the like are supposed to be built to avoid situations like this. However, rusty, grimy, or undermaintained washing appliances are more than likely to short-circuit and cause a potential fire nobody in your home would’ve expected, at least until now.

Extension Cords and Power Strips

Just because your extension cords or power strips are equipped with multiple sockets, doesn’t mean you should be using every single socket at the same time. Overloading your extension cords and power strips is one of the most common mistakes homeowners commit that could potentially lead up to unexpected house fires. Remember, just like people, those things can only take so much. 

Plugin your entire living room entertainment system into one power strip and you’re well on your way to reducing your home into a pile of soot. Have a disaster response or fire restoration company check your outlets and power strips so they can advise you on how to properly and safely use them. 

Vintage Appliances and Electronics

Did you inherit an adorable vintage stovetop from your grandmother’s house? Still, use that hip radio your dad used in his college days? Yeah, not the best idea. Old and vintage appliances and electronics are likely to have malfunctioned parts that could lead to short-circuiting or overheating. 

Has an unexpected fire hazard caused damage to your home? Did you experience an unfortunate house fire? If you’re in need of fire damage restoration, call Disaster Response to get the job done. Disaster Response provides reliable and excellently-done fire damage repair and restoration services guaranteed to satisfy the highest standards. They also provide consulting services, emergency response, and disaster response plans to make sure you’re prepared to keep you and your loved ones safe from harm.

Call our experts at 616-426-6992

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